Monday, October 12, 2009

Expectations for Colloquium

My expectations for this spring semester is to learn about the earth and out current issue of global warming. Not ony do I expect to learn about the particulars of global warming and how much that humans today contribute to this problem daily but also how I can do my part in stopping global warming in its tracks and possibly ways to even reverse global warming. I expect to learn about many different ways to do my part whether at home or possibly things that I can implement in my future career in nursing in order to maintain the environment around me. I expect to learn about the environment around me. I expect to learn about the environment around me that I normally do not even consider in my day to day living. I have many hopes and wishes for this colloquium class but I have no doubts that all my expectations will be met.

The pictures that I have chosen to represent my blog was the picture of the green house and the green world because I would like to learn how to be green or sustainable in my home and in my work as well as in all the areas of living and the world.

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