Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Ecological Footprint quiz

My ecological footprint was actually pretty high. I was pretty surprised. Although most of my numbers were below the average of my country, my food footprint was actually higher. I was also amazed that it would take 4.81 earths if everyone lived like me. That really puts things into perspective. I definitely know that I should start lowering my emissions and my energy usage, especially my food foot print. I could buy from farmer’s markets are even start a small garden. Maybe walk to the grocery store or take the bus if it is too far to walk. I know I could also recycle more items and more often, for example I do not recycle glass at all. There are so many things I could do so that hopefully I can reduce my ecological footprint so that if everyone lived my lifestyle that it would take one or less earths to sustain us.

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