Wednesday, October 14, 2009

How sustainable my community is

Since I reside on campus I will consider my community to be the community of campus housing and the campus itself. One nice thing that I am proud of in my community is the way that garbage is disposed in campus housing. In order to improve energy efficiency, campus housing uses compactors instead of free standing garbage dumpsters. By using the compacters, the trash is compressed to a smaller size, which reduces the number of times that the trash has to be picked up during the week by a significant amount. Not only does my community save money by not having to pay for the cost of a garbage disposal truck to come out to the facility as many times but also by using the compacters, the amount of carbon emissions released in the air from the garbage disposal trucks has also been significantly decreased. This not only is beneficial to my immediate community but also has a global effect. Also on campus we have a recycling center. This recycling center recycles cardboard, cans and plastic bottles. By making this facility available for my fellow community members and myself, campus housing is reducing the carbon footprint of those individuals who would drive to another facility to recycle their cardboard and bottles. Not only does having this recycling center decrease the amount of carbon emissions into the atmosphere from transportation but this recycling center also increases the likelihood of individuals recycling due to its convenience. So, all in all, the recycling center reduces carbon and emissions and more than likely increases the amount of items recycled. I know that if I did not have this recycling center here I probably would not recycle at all. Another great quality that housing has that implements sustainability is the fact that in all their buildings that have recently converted all the bulbs to compact fluorescent bulbs. This bulbs will save conserve tons of energy and also reduce the electricity bill for campus housing as well. Not only does campus housing implement the above actions but they also encourage sustainability by giving out pamphlets to all residents telling them how to be more sustainable in their day to day lives, whether it be by waiting until the dishwasher is full to run it and to keep the air condition at a setting of 72 degrees or higher. I am actually really proud of my housing experience and how sustainable housing is. The only thing I would like to see is maybe solar panels on the roofs, which would lower the energy consumed for lighting the apartments and so forth.

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