Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Sustainability and how it relates to me!

Well, in my academic career I am still not quite sure how to be sustainable other than maybe not using as much paper or finding a way to implement recycling with coworkers. Sustainability and how it relates to my day to day personal lifestyle is that I recycle my plastic bottles and cans and my rough drafts of papers. I also turn off and unplug my computer which I found out actually saves tons of money on electricity because even if the computer is turned off but the cord is still plugged into the electrical outlet, electrical current is still running to the computer. In my university education sustainability relates in that there is a course that this course is required to take in order to graduate, a very smart decision by the university I do say. Other than the colloquium course I believe just by watching the different things the school does from solar panels to just making all the ponds interconnected in education via the university in and of itself. Just learning that the little things actually make a huge difference is one thing I have learned from my university, I don’t know many other people who can say the same thing.

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