Monday, October 12, 2009

"Sense of Place"

When it comes to my place with friends and my social life I feel very at place. When it comes to the environment and the animals, plants and other aspects of my environment I feel like I am completely clueless. I do not know very much at all about the environment that I reside in. I do not know about the animals that cohabitate in the immediate area, nor do I know anything about the plants that help supply me oxygen nor do I know about their requirements to survive. I find that when it comes to environment that I am too busy worrying about what my friends and fiancĂ© are up to, what paper I have to write next, when my next exam is and many other things rather than the immediate needs of my environment. I feel environment is one of the most important aspects in one’s life but it seems to be the one most overlooked. Most of the time I complain about how hot it is and how humid it is, and all the mosquitoes instead of actually looking around at the life that surrounds me and how they live their lives day to day without complaints. Sometimes I wish I just took more of an observational look around when I am outside instead of complaining about being outside. I will make it my goal from this week on when I am outside to look around and observe and complain a little less.

The pictures that I have chosen to represent "Sense of Place" is a picture of wildlife, showing the things that I could be missing by not observing my surroundings

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