Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Downtown Fort Myers

Downtown Fort Myers was a field trip that I did not expect to see much preservation of. I expected it to be huge shopping malls, parking lots, and other typical city endeavors. When walking through downtown Fort Myers, it was nice seeing that many of the buildings have been preserved and just remodeled instead of tour down. It was also neat to see very few tall buildings and all this little shops open for business. The only thing I really connected with big, city life was the Starbucks and even that felt like a nice, subtle touch with the atmosphere. I also enjoyed the pier, it was very calming and really made you aware of noise pollution. Since the pier was pretty much quiet it was sort of a little shock, making you see that from day to day we constantly are used to cars driving by and people shouting and yelling and being close around that we tune it out. We do not notice all this noise pollution until we actually hear silence.

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