Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Global Warming: Not an Issue?!?!

“Global Warming: The Cold Hard Facts?” was an article by Timothy Bell. This particular article did sound surprisingly, very convincing. First Timothy Bell listed all of his credentials in relation to the topic at hand such as: “I have a Ph.D, (Doctor of Science) from the University of London, England and was a climatology professor at the University of Winnipeg”.

Timothy Bell then goes on to say that climate change caused by humans is completely ridiculous, comparing global warming to telling the masses that the earth is flat. Timothy Bell then goes on in his article to say that Global warming due to human production of CO2 is completely absurd due to there is no “scientific justification” of this phenomenon. Bell denies that there is any evidence that carbon dioxide is the cause of temperature increase, but carbon dioxide as a cause is still just a theory that has not been tested.

Timothy Bell also uses the persuasion of other famous and intelligent individuals that have the same view of global warming being due to human contribution. He names those such as the scientist and writer, Michael Crichton, and Richard Lindzen, an atmospheric physicist and professor of meteorology at MIT. He comments that politicians and actors are being trusted on the subject that they have no background in, and the above specialists on the topic are completely being ignored on the issue.

I do find this article very convincing but I still believe that I would definitely need a lot more consensus from the scientific department before I completely change my mind on the issue. In addition, I honestly do not see anything wrong with using less energy, especially when there is the additional bonus of saving money and creating more financial stability.

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