Tuesday, November 17, 2009


I believe the main contribution to the neighborhood’s condition is lack of money; therefore lack of basic needs. The most important crisis is receiving the bare necessities. Because these underprivileged individuals do not have an abundance of money, they do not receive the proper necessities to survive a comfortable life, such as a roof over their head, or clean water to drink, clean clothes to wear, proper nutrition, proper healthcare, or air conditioning/heating in order to maintain a healthy core body temperature, and much more.

As always, I honestly think the problem is greed. People are way too busy either buying or spending their money on things that will make their lives even more comfortable instead of finding ways to help others that cannot even afford the bare essentials. I find myself falling into greed as well. I just recently wanted to buy a new laptop because my laptop is a few years old and is running a little slower than it did in the beginning and I saw how much lighter that the newer laptops were and I just had to have it. I then had to catch myself and tell myself that, that was a ridiculous idea; my computer runs fine for what I need it to do. Some people have to beg for food and have no roof over their head and I want to purchase a new laptop because it is lighter and runs a little faster. Instead of purchasing a new computer in which I could only imagine how much environmental cost and actual cost went into making it, I can just use the one I have until it completely is unusable. I therefore am saving the environment and I contributed less money to things that are just material items.

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